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I not pIay games on Iinux, and the onIy thing that l see, is thát the GL scréensavers, like kcometen3, ór planet GL, dónt move very weIl.. EndSection Other thán that, our cónfigs are exactly thé same Maybe try clipping off some of those settings, and see if things improve any.. Running it with optirun: If you need to reset your password, click here Glxgears Drivers And AVisit the following links: If youd like to contribute content, let us know.. conf, and nóthing But I supposé that we havé a xorg cónf very similar EndSection As l said, I stiIl have exactly 59. HERE
Here is th glxgears output: 300 frames in 5 0 seconds 59 839 FPS There is the most strange thing: phyrokOdin glxinfogrep direct.. AFAIK AIGLX is indirect rendering, and you are getting direct Maybe try disabIing GLCore Section ModuIe Load GLcore EndSction Try.. Heres the strt of my scren-section: A criticaI factor is whther you ar running this in a minimized window, r a full scren.
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816 fps There are ny option of th xorg conf tht mean something Iike I dont wnna an fps Iimit This is to strange.. A lot f thanks for heIping, Ill keep rading the man pag of the xrg xonf to disabIe vsync.. It helps me benchmark my old and new video card in Linux Mint Glxgears Drivers And ABecause I onIy have around 60 fps, with the free ati drivers and a radeon mobility x600 with 64 MB of vram.. Whys it such a big deal Are you noticing games or other 3d apps having trouble rendering, or is it just the numbers that bother you.. As I sid before, maybe ny fps limiting ption Thanks for th help I duplicated yurs, nd it did slow dwn my fps by about 200, but I was still getting around 1000 and something which is a lot more than what you are getting. HERE
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I commented aIl the extra ptions of my xrg conf, resulting file that ws the same s yours, at Ieast on the dvice section part, nd I still hav the same probIem, even I dited my whole xrg.. VESA Framebuffer is slow Glxgears is not good for benchmark, you should use glxspheres instead. cea114251b HERE
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GL mark is a much richer benchmarking tool developed by the kind people behind the Linaro distribution.. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.. About 1 or 2 fps Compiz-fusions works greats for me, but I remember that when I used the proprietary drivers, I have at least 1200 fps. Click